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Eric + Cindy Cinematic TAIWAN Wedding Highlight from ExpressioNZ Studio on Vimeo.

Eric + Cindy Cinematic TAIWAN Wedding Highlight from ExpressioNZ Studio on Vimeo.

Cindy was my colleague when I worked at the TV news channel in Taiwan, she is a beautiful, intelligent girl, I got the honor to flew back from New Zealand to capture their big day! It was my first time to film a wedding in Taiwan, it was a bit different content from NZ but it is fulfilled with sweet and love! Thanks Eric and Cindy to trust us to tell your story and all the best to your future married life :)

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戴心怡 發表在 痞客邦 留言(76) 人氣()

Ever heard of San Quintin?
 well.. it´s in the middle of nowhere,

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